Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rat Zapper

This is all about my Rat Zapper.

Have you ever been sitting in your living room watching TV and have mouse run across the room? Will I have and I can say it was not a pleasant experience.

The worst part was my wife's response...screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping onto the couch, what a site.

Ok, so now what do I do, go buy a Rat Zapper of course.

I am the kind of guy who likes to check out the newest gadgets available. So I go online to see what is available for mouse traps. I come across the Rat Zapper, so I had to buy one and see if it really was a good as they say.

It arrived, I followed the instructions and bait it, turned it on and waited.

Sure enough, the next morning the light on top of the rat zapper was blinking. I then took it over to the trash and dumped the critter out, no more mice! Happy wife.

Here is a great store to buy a Rat Zapper, they have fast shipping!!

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